Your Great Grace, with Dr. John Morris
Celebrating God’s amazing grace!
At different times in our lives, many of us have received the unmistakable peace and joy that comes only from the throne of God. All too often, however, like the tides, such peace ebbs away and leaves us alone on the deserted beach of life. Our fears, on the other hand, together with our doubts and our disappointments, stay with us. The whisperings of Satan that we are unloved, unworthy, and unwelcome drown out the faith, hope, and love – and ultimately the joy and peace – that God is always giving us. It is the ongoing, unending spiritual battle in which we are, in this life, both the player and the pawn, the victor and the victim, the overcomer and the overcome. We know that, in the end, God wins – indeed, He has already won – and therefore that we, too, in the end, will be victorious (1 John 5:4-5). But what about our dark nights of the soul? What about the moments, stretching into days, weeks, months, and even years, in which we feel so alone, so helpless, and so hopeless?
Our lives are about the final destination – heaven, paradise, eternal union with God – but they are also about the journey. In fact, we cannot reach heaven unless we live, in the present and in the pain, and all too often despite the present and despite the pain, in a way that is pleasing and acceptable to God (Matthew 7:21, 16:27). How do we do it? How do we get through it? The answer is God’s grace, God’s great grace. As Matt Redman tells us in his beautiful song “Your Grace Finds Me” (© 2013, written by Matt Redman & Jonas Myrin):
It’s there in the newborn cry,
there in the light of ev’ry sunrise,
there in the shadows of this life:
Your great grace.
It’s there on the mountaintop,
there in the ev’ryday and the mundane,
there in the sorrow and the dancing:
Your great grace,
O such grace.
From the creation to the cross,
there from the cross into eternity,
Your grace finds me,
yes, Your grace finds me.
[To watch the official music video for “Your Grace Finds Me” by Matt Redman, click here.]
It is our heartfelt prayer that the writings of Dr. Morris can become part of your journey with Jesus, and that you can turn to us anytime you need an encouraging word or a partner in prayer. God has given us each other now, and what He sends out will not return to Him empty (Isaiah 55:11).